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Sorcerer Meaning In Urdu

Sorcerer Meaning in Urdu

Definition of Sorcerer

A sorcerer is a person who claims or believes to have the power of magic.

Urdu Translation of Sorcerer

Jadugar - جادوگر

The Urdu translation of sorcerer is "Jadugar", which is written as "جادوگر" in the Urdu script.

Afsoon Gar - افسوں گر

Another Urdu translation of sorcerer is "Afsoon Gar", which is written as "افسوں گر" in the Urdu script.

Meaning in English and Urdu

English: Sorcerer
Urdu: Jadugar (جادوگر) / Afsoon Gar (افسوں گر)

Additional Information

Sorcerers are often associated with dark magic or evil forces. However, not all sorcerers are evil. Some sorcerers may use their powers for good, such as healing or protecting others.

The belief in sorcerers is common in many cultures around the world. In some cultures, sorcerers are feared and respected, while in other cultures they are seen as charlatans or criminals.

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